Ocean Studies
Below are some classical examples of the analyses we can provide on waves, turbulence, tides and currents, water quality and sediment transport. If you have more specific needs, we will be happy to discuss them with you.
- Raw & spectral data analysis
- Hindcast validation
- Joint occurrences analysis
- Extreme value analysis
- Wave-current interaction
- Energy yield
- Analysis of ADV and ADCP data
- Turbulence models: length scales, Reynolds stress tensor
- Impact on tidal turbines
Tides and currents
- Harmonic analysis and prediction
- Vertical profiles, scatter plots
- Storm surges, extreme value analysis
- Current charts
- Discharge
- Energy yield

Water quality
- Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll, CDOM, redox
Bathing waters, aquaculture, rivers, lakes estuaries
Sediment transport
- Current, turbidity, laser granulometry
- Water sampling, ADCP backscatter inversion
- Dredging operations, power plants, installation works