Our projects
DynamOcean has been delivering successful projects across a wide range of sectors. Specific requirements for each sector is taken into account right from the project development stage.
For marine renewables energies, it is essential to push the oceanographic instruments up to their working envelope and to advance the development of new analysis methods through R&D projects.
Business sectors

Offshore wind

Marine renewables

Rivers, lakes & reservoirs
Ports, harbours & dregding


Coastal industries & protection
Our references

Tidal stream resource studies: Fromveur and Raz de Sein straights

Current, waves and sediment transport studies
Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP, turbidity sensor, LISST, water and seabed sampling

Turbine wake characterization and energy resource assessment at MEYGEN
Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP
- Tidal turbine wake characterization with vessel-mounted ADCP campaign - Poster was awarded Jury's Special Prize at Seanergy 2024
- Tidal energy resource assessment combining fixed and mobile ADCP measurements, adapting the MCP method to the tidal stream energy sector

Training programme on ADCP data analysis

Turbulence analysis from ADCP and ADV data

Tidal stream studies for the design of floating dams in Brittany
Vessel-mounted ADCP

ADCP surveys for the TIGER project
ADCP, USBL, pop-up buoys

Wave measurements for the development and operation of a wave energy converter test site
ADCP, WaveRider buoy

Design and manufacture of an ad-hoc instrumented platform to be deployed in the surfzone

Waves and turbulence analysis using ADCPs

Waves and turbulence analysis using ADCPs

ADCP and CTD measurements for the hydro-sedimentary study of an estuary

Sediment transport study in the estuary of La Rance river

Monitoring of waves and wind during harbour works. Port de Cannes.

Due diligence on current and waves studies

ROV survey of the mooring lines and export cable of the floating wind turbine Floatgen
ROV survey of the special mark

USBL positioning of the anchors of a Wave Energy Converter

Measurement campaign in 2 distant tidal stream energy sites in Indonesia. MetOcean and bathymetry surveys.
In the scope of Tidal Energy Projects in Indonesia (TEPI) initiative

Validation of current measurements using and ADCP mounted on a floating LiDAR.

Participation in the THYMOTE research project on turbulence measurement, analysis and modelling.
Call for Projects ITE EMR 2015

Coordination of the MOREDATAS project on turbulence measurement and analysis.
Joint Call for Projects OCEAN ERA NET 2014

Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP surveys to examine tidal stream patterns upstream of the tidal barrage of La Rance. Layout of water supply pipe.

Vessel-mounted ADCP and tidal height surveys for tidal channel between Luing Island and mainland.

Wave energy resource assessment at the Nienhagen test site. Tank testing planning and support.

Real-time current monitoring to support offshore instrumentation trials.

Tidal stream and wave-induced current measurement and analysis in French Polynesian atolls.

Real-time measurement and analysis for the performance testing of a MetOcean buoy.

Waves, current and turbulence analysis from ADCP data for a tidal farm.

Waves and current analysis from ADCP data for a tidal farm.

Characterization of the performance of Orkney located vessels and associated services in carrying out marine renewable operations. Measurement and analysis of waves, currents, ship motion and mooring response.

Waves, current and turbulence measurements and analysis for the tidal-estuarian site SEENEOH.
Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP and tide gauge data

Waves, current and turbulence measurements and analysis for the tidal site of Paimpol-Bréhat.
Seabed-mounted ADCP

Feasibility study for the river current technology within the Artibonite River in Haïti.

Current survey work on river locations.

Real-time monitoring of the tidal stream resource at EMEC's nursery tidal test site. Supporting the performance validation of Flumill's tidal turbine.

Methodologies for a world wide resource assessment of tidal energy: Aqua Tidal.

Waves and current measurement and analysis at EMEC's tidal test site. Advanced turbulence analysis using 8-beam ADCP configuration.

Date | Project | Customer |
2024 | Waves and current measurements for restoration works at Fort Boyard | |
2024 | Estimation of wave energy potential in several ports in Brittany | |
2023 | Waves and wind measurements in Lorient harbour | |
2023 | Tidal stream resource studies: Fromveur and Raz de Sein straights | |
2023 | Current, waves and sediment transport studies Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP, turbidity sensor, LISST, water and seabed sampling | |
2023 | Turbine wake characterization and energy resource assessment at MEYGEN Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP Including:
| |
2023 | Training programme on ADCP data analysis | |
2023 | Turbulence analysis from ADCP and ADV data | |
2023 | Tidal stream studies for the design of floating dams in Brittany Vessel-mounted ADCP | |
2022 | ADCP surveys for the TIGER project ADCP, USBL, pop-up buoys | |
2022 | Wave measurements for the development and operation of a wave energy converter test site ADCP, WaveRider buoy | |
2022 | Design and manufacture of an ad-hoc instrumented platform to be deployed in the surfzone | |
2021 | Waves and turbulence analysis using ADCPs | |
2021 | Waves and turbulence analysis using ADCPs | |
2021 | ADCP and CTD measurements for the hydrosedimentary study of an estuary | |
2021 | Sediment transport study in the estuary of La Rance river | |
2021 | Monitoring of waves and wind during harbour works. Port de Cannes | |
2020 | Due diligence on current and wave studies | |
2019 | ROV survey of the mooring lines and export cable of the floating wind turbine Floatgen ROV survey of the special mark | |
2019 | USBL positioning of the anchors of a Wave Energy Converter | |
2019 | Measurement campaign in 2 distant tidal stream energy sites in Indonesia. MetOcean and bathymetry surveys In the scope of Tidal Energy Projects in Indonesia (TEPI) initiative | |
2019 | Validation of current measurements using an ADCP mounted on a floating LiDAR | |
2019 | Participation in the THYMOTE research project on turbulence measurement, analysis and modelling Call for Projects ITE EMR 2015 | |
2019 | Coordination of MOREDATAS project on turbulence measurement and analysis Joint Call for Projects OCEAN ERA-NET 2014 | |
2018 | Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP surveys to examine tidal stream patterns upstream of the tidal barrage of La Rance. Layout of water supply pipe. | |
2017 | Vessel-mounted ADCP and tidal height surveys for tidal channel between Luing Island and mainland | |
2017 | Wave energy resource assessment at the Nienhagen test site. Tank testing planning and support | |
2016 | Real-time current monitoring to support offshore instrumentation trials | |
2015 | Tidal stream and wave-induced current measurement and analysis in French Polynesian atolls | |
2015 | Real-time measurement and analysis for the performance testing of a MetOcean buoy | |
2014 | Waves, current and turbulence analysis from ADCP data for a tidal farm | |
2014 | Waves and current analysis from ADCP data for a tidal farm | |
2014 | Characterization of the performance of Orkney-located vessels and associated services in carrying out marine renewable operations. Measurement and analysis of waves, currents, ship motion and mooring response. PRoMSSO | |
2014 | Waves, current and turbulence measurement and analysis for the tidal-estuarian site SEENEOH Seabed- and vessel-mounted ADCP and tide gauge data | |
2013 | Waves, current and turbulence measurement and analysis for the tidal site of Paimpol-Bréhat Seabed-mounted ADCP | |
2013 | Feasibility study for the river current technology within the Artibonite River in Haiti | |
2012 | Current survey work on river locations | |
2012 | Real-time monitoring of the tidal stream resource at EMEC's nursery tidal test site. Supporting the performance validation of Flumill's tidal turbine. | |
2012 | Methodologies for a world wide resource assessment of tidal energy: Aqua-Tidal. | |
2011 | Waves and current measurement and analysis at EMEC's tidal test site. Advanced turbulence analysis using an 8-beam ADCP configuration. |