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DynamOcean at Seanergy 2024

30 June 2024 by

In June, DynamOcean participated in Seanergy, a renowned international event in France focusing on offshore renewable energy. The 2024 edition was held in Nantes, where we had a booth at the Bretagne Ocean Power Pavilion. This not only provided us with great visibility but also allowed us to strengthen relationships with our industry peers.

The forum was filled with informative sessions and valuable connections. Some key highlights for DynamOcean at this year's event included:

Presenting our assessment on the tidal energy potential at the tip of Brittany

The results were unveiled at the BOP Pavilion. This study, commissioned by Bretagne Développement Innovation, was a joint effort between DynamOcean (for in situ measurements) and Actimar (for numerical modelling). 

Presentation of the results on tidal energy potential in Brittany
Credits: Bretagne Ocean Power

Receiving a Special prize from the jury for our research poster on tidal wake characterization

DynamOcean showcased two research posters during the dedicated session:

Our second poster was honored with a Special Prize from the jury, recognizing the novelty of our work on in-situ wake characterization of tidal stream turbines.

This study was conducted in collaboration with Simec Atlantis Energy, Baldock Energy and Applied Renewable Research, with funding from the TIGER programme as part of the MeyGen project. 

DynamOcean receives a Special Prize from the Jury for their research poster on "Tidal wake characterization using vessel-mounted ADCP measurements", from François de Rugy.Award ceremony at Seanergy 2024

A heartfelt thank you to the Bretagne Ocean Power team for their organization and communication efforts before and during the event!

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