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DynamOcean at JNGCGC 2024

Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil
1 July 2024 by

In June 2024, DynamOcean was present at the National Conference on Coastal and Civil Engineering held in Anglet. We showcased our products and expertise at our exhibition stand.

The Conference aims to:

  • Update knowledge in the field of coastal engineering and associated civil engineering.
  • Enable the exchange of ideas between specialists in the relevant fields.
  • Promote the exchange of analyses and experiences between researchers and entrepreneurs.
  • Bring together contractors, companies, and researchers.
  • Present new techniques and materials at exhibition stands.
  • Disseminate information on teaching, research, training activities, and networks concerning coastal engineering and civil engineering (latest approvals 2022-2026).

Topics covered included:

  • Marine and coastal hydrodynamics
  • Sediment dynamics
  • Instrumentation, measurements, imaging and remote sensing
  • Port, offshore and pleasure craft structures
  • Marine energy and resources
  • Sustainable management of coastal and estuarine areas
  • Coastal risks

This was an excellent chance to engage with researchers and connect with potential new collaborators.

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